What Will You Be Known For?


A friend of mine wrote a couple of popular books but those came out a ten or so years ago. He was with a pastor who happened to be on the phone telling someone he was with this author. The guy on the other line said he thought this author had died since he hadn’t come out with any new books lately! This author is actually not that old, but when we aren’t in the public view consistently people can come to some dark conclusions.

That incident got me thinking about our life messages.

Our lives come down to messages – sometimes expressed and sometimes tragically not spoken by the time we finish life. You are a unique expression of the life of God and he wants to live his unique life through you – through your life message.

Perhaps you already understand your life message – then further hone it. A life of clarity is a life of effectiveness.

Lean into it. Don’t wobble. Don’t give in to being diffused. Be a laser. Life is always going to try to pull you away from your uncompromising focus.

Walk out your message as you call upon the power of the Spirit. “You can do all things…”

One of these days my author friend really will die – his books really will come to an end. Your life will be said and done before long as well. I don’t wish that upon you, mind you, but let’s face reality. We only have so much time to devote to our life’s message. Now is the time to go for it.

Steve has spoken, mentored and modeled to churches and leaders around the world with the simple message that anyone – regardless of their gifting or experience – can be involved in bringing God’s loving kindness to others. His first book, Conspiracy of Kindness has been translated into several languages with more in the works. His first book has sold over 300,000 copies. Altogether his books have sold over 500,000 copies.


  1. great message, it is so easy to get sidetracked or distracted from our mission in life. We lose focus because of challenges rather than looking for ways to get past the challenges or even look into the challenges and see the message we need in them to help us continue to the next step or phase in our mission. Each one of us is wired-gifted by God to advance His Kingdom both on earth as we care for each other and into eternity as we share the love of the Good News of Jesus.

  2. I remember hearing a sermon once about our lives being like arrows and that it important we know what we are aiming for. This entry today reminds me of that truth.

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