Profound Influence


How do we know when we are being affected by real leadership?
That is not a matter that can be adequately blogged about unless we take a year to discuss the matter and not miss a day’s worth of entries.

One matter that begs to be touched upon, however –

… leadership is a profound influence.  But that influence is not mere human pushing upon people who have been pushed into the corner.

The word “profound” is vital.  That implies that the authority of God rests upon God raised up leaders.

I feel a bit like Howard Beale, the newscaster in the film, Network.  Beale had seen the wrong done over and over and over and got to the point where he was frustrated beyond words.  While on live TV he began to rage.  Instead of cutting him off, his network producers took the risk of letting him go with it.  He carried with his clearly thought out process of thinking until he said, “If you relate with what I am saying, go to your window, open it, wherever it is, and yell as loud as you can, ‘I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it any longer!’”

Tens of millions did just that at that moment.  They tracked with Beale.

Do you track with my observations about either…

A.    The lack of leadership in the Church at this moment, or

B.    The misuse of the leadership God has imparted to the few leaders that are indeed in the Church…?

Give me a shout out on this.  I’m all ears.

God have mercy.  Raise up many many leaders in our day.

Steve has spoken, mentored and modeled to churches and leaders around the world with the simple message that anyone – regardless of their gifting or experience – can be involved in bringing God’s loving kindness to others. His first book, Conspiracy of Kindness has been translated into several languages with more in the works. His first book has sold over 300,000 copies. Altogether his books have sold over 500,000 copies.


  1. I totally, totally agree with you on this to the point that I needed to comment. I am so frustrated with my pastoral counterparts in my city. People come to our church and are SOOOOO surprised to see the Bible taught w/o yelling and pastors and lay leaders who are real people and maybe even willing to lend you their car or $10. I have a “friend” who is about to take on the pastorate of a nearby church who put out a survey to the 25, yes 25, remaining members of the church as to how they feel the church should be run. I guess he has no idea. He even vocalized his sentiment on leading that it “scares him to death.” That was a quote. God have mercy. We are actively praying for 2 types of people to join our church family…lost folks who want something more than the world and leaders to help us lead them (nothing much in between).
    Kent (a little tired but smiling and happy and hopeful)

  2. hmmmmm. “the misuse of leadership” I’ve been thinking about that very phrase much lately…..

    I seem to be ruminating alot on the passages of scripture where Jesus says stuff like, “if you want to be first you need to be last and if you want to be great be a servant (my paraphrase of course).”

    There’s those other passages that say stuff like, “don’t Lord your authority over others like the pagans do (again my paraphrase).”

    perhaps that’s still why people like Momma Theresa, Billy Graham, St. Francis, and the like are still appreciated by so many…..because they reflected humility in their leadership and service….

    As far as lack of leadership goes….I wonder what it would look like in the church if those in leadership positions and pastoral positions just started “doing” their Spirit-led things and “invited” others along with them instead of goading folks and having them sign contracts and all that sort of jazz?



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