Leadership Wisdom from Winning on The Price is Right

It was the thrill of the year to hear the announcer say, “The first contestant on The Price is Right is Mary Jane Show-grin”...
heart bouquet

Jesus’ Thing, Not Yours or Mine

“So you are still doing your kindness thing, huh? Good for you. God bless you, brother.” Here’s a translation of what he asked: “You still...
Leaf raking girl

8 Projects to Try Out This Fall

I'm often asked about the best projects for success. Whether it’s a warm and sunny area like Southern California or Seattle where it apparently...
window cleaning outreach

94 Servant Evangelism Ideas for Your Church

Servant Evangelism (SE) connects people to people in a natural, easy, low- risk, high grace way. Who doesn't like to be given a cold...
Johnny Appleseed

6 Outreach Leadership Lessons From Johnny Appleseed

John Chapman, aka the legendary “Johnny Appleseed”, was a missionary who reached out to Native Americans in the Ohio Valley in the early 1800s. He...


free drinks

Why Kindness?

I was asked to write two book forwards this week.  This is something I have done for a number of writers – more in...

Was Osama Bin Laden Saved?

The cover of Time magazine recently featured Pastor Rob Bell and his controversial new book that hones in on the weighty issue of eternity....
turtle and rabbit

Lesson #10: Turtles Last Longer Than Rabbits

#10: Turtles Last Longer Than Rabbits You’ve heard Aesop’s story about the tortoise and the hare. In this classic tale, the hare takes off quickly...
Burning Man

7.5 Lessons I Learned About Outreach At Burning Man

The famous Burning Man Festival is happening right now in the desert north of Reno right now. About 50,000 people from all over the world...

Doing Outreach or Reaching Out?

When we do outreach by serving - servant evangelism (kindness outreach) - to give away bottles of water at a stoplight or clean toilets...
night city people

Have You Considered Starting A Sunday PM Service?

There has been talk of late about the downside of starting Saturday evening services. Having pioneered that time slot from the get-go as an...

Go Out Anyway

Just Show Up! When it comes to doing outreach projects with teams a lot can go right... and wrong. After doing team-oriented outreaches for decades...
David hearing

Simplifying God’s Voice

Do you feel inadequate in the area of connecting with God's voice? When you hear others mention they have gotten specific guidance from God...

Syncing With The Spirit

When I hook up my iPhone or my iPod with my laptop all that is new is caught up. I make deposits in the Spirit...

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Leaf raking girl

8 Projects to Try Out This Fall

I'm often asked about the best projects for success. Whether it’s a warm and sunny area like Southern California or Seattle where it apparently...

Five Great Halloween Outreaches

Halloween is one of those nights that set up perfectly to reach your community due to the excitement, plethora of families, and openness of...
Leaf raking outreach

Reaching Out in the Fall

Sometimes I’m asked, “What do you do for outreach when the weather doesn’t cooperate?” It’s not that difficult but it requires a little bit...


Girl leaping from log

Veni, Vidi, Velcro (I came, I saw, I stuck around)

The Roman army was at its peak in Jesus' generation. During this timeframe, they were...
girl jumping

Have You Made a Fool of Yourself Lately?

To phrase it that way may seem a little sideways. Instead think of it as,...
meadow gates

The Tragedy of Half Conversations

How many times have you had a conversation that unintentionally went sideways? The chances are...

How to Increase Your Reach

God has placed in your heart and mine a desire to reach out beyond ourselves....

What Will You Be Known For?

A friend of mine wrote a couple of popular books but those came out a...


Leadership Wisdom from Winning on The Price is Right

It was the thrill of the year to hear the announcer say, “The first contestant on The Price is Right is Mary Jane Show-grin”...


Carrie Fisher

A Tribute to Carrie Fisher and Prozac

She knew something was off kilter when she woke up a night to find she was in the middle of a busy street in...