Capture Your Outreach Dream State of Being
What is the God’s inspired dream for Servant Evangelism for your church?
Count on it. He has one for you. He has something specific in...
Make a Minimum Six-Month Commitment To Rigorous SE Outreach.
It takes a while to get Servant Evangelism. It’s a simple idea but it’s a deep idea.
It’s a non-negotiable fact that significant momentum requires...
Assignment #4: Listen for Your Starting Projects.
Don’t do just one project as you launch out. Try several in quick succession. Servant Evangelism is a lot like fishing but the name...
Assignment #3: Just Start!
There isn’t much to mess up in this equation except your lack of action. Just begin! All sorts of reasons will pop into your...
Beginning Things To Launch Servant Evangelism
Assignment #2: Notice what God is up to in outreach.
It's impossible to be effective in outreach when you are working separately from God. He...
Keep It Simple.
Even though we have a dozen points here about starting vital outreach the basic idea behind Servant Evangelism is quite simple. My tendency is...
Beginning Things To Do To Launch Servant Evangelism
As you launch into Servant Evangelism there are a few vital notions to keep in front of you. The concepts aren’t all that complicated....
#10.5 Don’t Forget to Have Fun as You Do Evangelism!
The greatest enjoyment a human can experience is the leading of another person into a relationship with God. To do this on a regular...
#8: Follow the Leadership of God in Evangelism.
It is God’s nature to lead His people in ministry. He is large. He is in charge. Our nature is to seek to take...
#7. Trust in the Timing of God for Ultimate Fruitfulness.
All good things happen in God’s timing. When God’s people try to speed up the process of salvation—or slow things down—we get in the...