millenials group

Reaching Millennials (5 of 5)

5. Show a Willingness to Change We will never be ready to embrace change. When we force the change, we will stir up resentment and...
millenial group

Reaching Millennials (4 of 5)

4. Lead and Challenge New Behaviors This generation isn’t just willing to be challenged – they nearly demand it. A significant part of their mentality...
millenials phones

Reaching Millennials (2 of 5)

2. Outward Focus on Loving the City Millennials are not just open to being outward toward the world around them; they are also open to...
millenials steps

Reaching Millennials (1 of 5)

There is no magic to reaching the Millennial generation. On the other hand, if we hope to get them, we simply need to do...
heart in the light sky

How to Release Love at Your Church

As you make loving others the priority of your church’s life all other goals that are important and biblical, tend to fall into place...
light through trees

What’s Your Calling?

A unique calling from God is upon your life. It’s easy to think that only special people - those set apart - who are special...

It’s Not Too Late to Turn Outward…

What can you do to bring change to a church that didn’t begin in an outward direction? Here are a couple of practical first...
minecraft church

Mega-Churches or Medium-sized Churches…?

Someone sent me a tweet recently I’ve been thinking about. He asked about mega-churches and if many of the people they attract simply come...

Plan Less, Do More

It is entirely possible to over plan, over think, over prepare in life but never get to the execution stage. There is something about...
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What a Waste of Time?

What is a waste of time these days really? In our rush to conserve precious, limited time, we can decide some vitally important things...

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