#8-$1 Carwash in Reverse

car wash

 $1 Carwash in Reverse

Professional looking, clear signs are a key part of steering traffic into your outreach carwash. “$1 Carwash!” To spice things up have a few of the washing crew dressed up in goofy ways. One guy has a barrel costume. He’s wearing shorts but no shirt so it looks like that’s all he’s wearing. The costume has printed upon it, “I’m Broke! Come to the $1 Carwash!”

We do a top-notch job of washing car. If you can organize it vacuum the interior and lightly spray Armor All on the dash.

As they go to leave they might offer you more than a dollar in light of the job you did. Regardless, explain to them, “This is a reverse dollar carwash. We pay you for the privilege of showing you a bit of God’s love in a practical way.”