Are You Greedy For Life?

fall leaves

fall leavesAs I write this, baseball’s World Series is happening between two teams that have not been a part of the “Big Show” in many years. Tonight, either the Chicago Cubs or the Cleveland Indians will win and be named the best team in baseball for the 2016 season.

The Today Show featured a woman named “Nana” as her family calls her. Nana turned is 104 this year. She said who would have thought this is how her life would turn out.

Quit quitting.

As usually happens when people live in old age, “What has been the secret to your long life?” She smiled and said it’s about love, friends, and family. Her granddaughter said she’d thought it through and had an answer too.

“At age 90 Nana thought she was about done with life. She had lived many wonderful years, but her husband of many decades was gone. Most of her friends and many of the relatives she was close to had passed away. But then something happened that steered in a new direction. Nana looked at her life and extended family and all the events she wanted to be a part of before she passed away. There were graduations. There were marriages and births and careers all her offspring we still going to experience. In other words, she was going to live long enough to be part of some crucial goals to which she felt called.

To boot, she decided to live long enough to see the Indians go to the World Series and hopefully win.”

Be an “Adjust-er” and God will work through you.

I have read dozens—no exaggeration— books about the vital importance of setting goals. During college, I put together up to a dozen goals that thrilled me. Each was a biggie. I didn’t realize it at the time, but only God they were only going to hit the target if God breathed on them.

Churches, relationships, careers are all fine and dandy areas where we can set very specific, measurable goals. But that’s only part of the picture in setting goals. Nana has hit the head of the nail with her new life goals—especially those that include relationships.


Where are you with your goals these days? No matter where you are, even if you a sprite 103 compared to Nana, it’s probably time to think them through. Take to heart this truth—God has a lot more for you to experience. It’s not all about accomplishing this or that. It’s more than anything being you. It’s about you bringing the love and presence of God to shape many others—to draw them into a greater love for Jesus.

You and I will carry out the great plan of God as we commit to what he has in mind. Usually, that has more to do with us lightening more on ourselves and trying less.

Steve has spoken, mentored and modeled to churches and leaders around the world with the simple message that anyone – regardless of their gifting or experience – can be involved in bringing God’s loving kindness to others. His first book, Conspiracy of Kindness has been translated into several languages with more in the works. His first book has sold over 300,000 copies. Altogether his books have sold over 500,000 copies.


  1. Whether you serve your community consistently or If you have been wanting to start Kindness Outreach in your church, Halloween night outreaches are a great way to make a splash, get your feet wet, and create a buzz in your community.

  2. Hi Steve,
    Nana was my grandmother. We wrote the book Greedy for Life together –reflecting on life lessons with aging.
    Thank you for sharing her story. Nana passed away this past Sept at the age of 105 but her spirit lives on.

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