Something Cool for Winter: Salt Outreach

salt outreach

“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.” -Matthew 5:13

saltActs 1:8 Ministry specializes in helping Christians bring back the full flavor of the Gospel through the process of sharing it with others! We start out by accepting no money for our outreach program we call P.A.C.K. (Planned Acts of Christian Kindness). We do this to remind Christians that we can never buy or earn our salvation for any amount of money. It is a free gift given to all through the blood of the lamb Jesus Christ. A love so powerful it far exceeds our human comprehension.

We are heading into the winter season in Green Bay, WI where Acts 1:8 Ministry is located. While our free outreach program has now been downloaded in all 50 US States and in 77 other countries we enjoy promoting our program through sharing with others what we are doing here locally. In this way, we can best demonstrate just how easy, fun, and effective P.A.C.K. is to do.

One of our wintertime P.A.C.K. events is our Great Salt Giveaway. There are many ideas provided in our program, salt2but I chose this one because of the common bond it shares with God’s word. Many of our events are done in partnership with the local church where P.A.C.K. first began some 17 years ago. Because this church is blessed with a school and many other activities they buy sidewalk salt in bulk bags. We went out and purchased a case of  heavyweight large Ziplock bags at wholesale and we divided up some of the bulk salt into small 5 pounds bags, (the school purchases the type of salt that is more friendly to the concrete and environment, which is good to share with the recipients if they should ask). We made up around 100 bags and piled them in the back of a pickup truck the night before we were going to give them away.

salt3Also leading up to this event we made sure that we had a supply of our sharing cards printed. These are an important part
of the P.A.C.K. experience in that they provide the recipients the message that God loves them dearly and that His grace through His Son Jesus is a free gift just like what they experienced in this very moment. On the back of the cards is a warm invitation to come and learn more about the love that Jesus has for them at our place of worship. We also provide other important information that they might be interested in.

P.A.C.K. events are typically held out in busy public places. Numerous location suggestions are covered in the program. The idea is that whatever you are doing or giving to people you want to be able to reach as many as you can in about an hour timeframe.

We have developed a close relationship with a number of area businesses over the years. Our program encourages salt1starting with business owners & managers that are members of your own church. If they operate a busy retail business that is a perfect place to do P.A.C.K. We explain to them that we will be loving on their customers with a free gift and may be helpful in others ways such as giving and taking shopping carts for them. Any way we can serve others for the Lord while we are there. A warm smile and a greeting; a free gift in our outstretched hands; and a card that delivers God’s message. This all works together to create a “God moment” in the lives of the recipients, a mere taste of what God’s grace is like! Neither can be bought or earned at any price.

salt7So in the case of our Great Salt Giveaway, we have one Minimart that really loves what we are doing. These events are great for their customers, but far beyond that, they realize how great it is for their community to keep God’s message alive! Typically on a Saturday morning in January, we pull the pickup into their parking lot finding just the right spot to be out of the way and yet highly visible to the busy traffic.  We have a blast serving everyone while supplies last. Some simply drive up and roll their window down. We hand them the salt, maybe even “double blessings” as we say, when there might be more than one family in the vehicle or they know someone else who could use it. The sharing cards go out and we remind people that God loves them and that while this salt can make your path at home safe Jesus wants to make your path in life safe!

salt-finalConversations just happen because of the special moment that is created. While some are quick in nature many result in a warm-hearted exchange and an invite to come to our place of worship to learn more. It is inevitable however that God in the Holy Spirit will show up in one way or another. Sometimes in subtle ways while others in very bold and obvious ways. P.A.C.K. challenges you to love on everyone that the Holy Spirit leads your way. That could be a youth cutting through the station on their bike, a man in a three-piece suit driving a fancy vehicle or the homeless person rummaging through the garbage cans. Only God knows what is in their hearts, we are just to serve Him and show His love to everyone. The amazing unforgettable moments happen when the people who you would least expect to need God by their outward appearance you find are struggling inside with many serious issues. The timing at which this all comes together leaves you with no doubt as to who is really in charge! So powerful are these “God moments” that you never can forget them even years later!

I highly recommend that you experience P.A.C.K. for yourself. Simply go to OUR WEBSITE and sign up. The link to the program will be immediately sent to your e-mail account. God bless your service to His glorious Kingdom!

Lee Larsen is the ministry coordinator at ACTS 1:8 MINISTRY and has been involved with the ministry even before its inception! Lee loves being involved with their Christian Kindness outreach and in his free time enjoys doing various construction and repair projects, both at home and for others. You can contact Lee at