Leadership Wisdom from Winning on The Price is Right

It was the thrill of the year to hear the announcer say, “The first contestant on The Price is Right is Mary Jane Show-grin”...
ocean forest cliff

What a Waste of Time?

What is a waste of time these days really? In our rush to conserve precious, limited time, we can decide some vitally important things...
stop sign

Stop Sensing You Are in Charge of Something

You are not responsible for making something happen. You don’t know what will happen as you obey God in the realm of evangelism. It’s...
window cleaning outreach

94 Servant Evangelism Ideas for Your Church

Servant Evangelism (SE) connects people to people in a natural, easy, low- risk, high grace way. Who doesn't like to be given a cold...
Johnny Appleseed

6 Outreach Leadership Lessons From Johnny Appleseed

John Chapman, aka the legendary “Johnny Appleseed”, was a missionary who reached out to Native Americans in the Ohio Valley in the early 1800s. He...


free drinks

Why Kindness?

I was asked to write two book forwards this week.  This is something I have done for a number of writers – more in...

Was Osama Bin Laden Saved?

The cover of Time magazine recently featured Pastor Rob Bell and his controversial new book that hones in on the weighty issue of eternity....
Burning Man

7.5 Lessons I Learned About Outreach At Burning Man

The famous Burning Man Festival is happening right now in the desert north of Reno right now. About 50,000 people from all over the world...
turtle and rabbit

Lesson #10: Turtles Last Longer Than Rabbits

#10: Turtles Last Longer Than Rabbits You’ve heard Aesop’s story about the tortoise and the hare. In this classic tale, the hare takes off quickly...

Doing Outreach or Reaching Out?

When we do outreach by serving - servant evangelism (kindness outreach) - to give away bottles of water at a stoplight or clean toilets...
night city people

Have You Considered Starting A Sunday PM Service?

There has been talk of late about the downside of starting Saturday evening services. Having pioneered that time slot from the get-go as an...

Go Out Anyway

Just Show Up! When it comes to doing outreach projects with teams a lot can go right... and wrong. After doing team-oriented outreaches for decades...
David hearing

Simplifying God’s Voice

Do you feel inadequate in the area of connecting with God's voice? When you hear others mention they have gotten specific guidance from God...
heart in the light sky

How to Release Love at Your Church

As you make loving others the priority of your church’s life all other goals that are important and biblical, tend to fall into place...

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flowers shade

Extending Your Half-Life In The Community

The term Half-life refers to how long something continues to have an influence on a system. For example, how long does a medication remain...

Talk Up The Gospel

I have heard a lot of speculation about the utter demise of spontaneous evangelistic conversations such as verbalizing the Gospel to strangers. I understand...
Farmers Market

Spread Out Your Outreach Attempts

I have always liked fishing. Since I was a little kid I have enjoyed getting out on the water and going after fish –...


stop sign

Stop Sensing You Are in Charge of Something

You are not responsible for making something happen. You don’t know what will happen as...
golden leader

The Senior Leader is the Primary Mentor…

The senior leader is the primary mentor... who guides the way in all things related...
rushing water steps forest

How To Be Creative

I recently saw the film Midnight In Paris, a powerful flick whose backstory is about...
sky view

Buying Into Your Preferred Future

No matter who you are, no matter what you do, today you are moving toward...
on the road sunset

Talk Up The Gospel 2

There are a couple of caveats regarding the new openness isolation has created to the...


Leadership Wisdom from Winning on The Price is Right

It was the thrill of the year to hear the announcer say, “The first contestant on The Price is Right is Mary Jane Show-grin”...



Was Osama Bin Laden Saved?

The cover of Time magazine recently featured Pastor Rob Bell and his controversial new book that hones in on the weighty issue of eternity....