“I’m skeptical of cold, hard and thin.” – G.K. Chesterton
Chesterton stated those words during a debate with author George Bernard Shaw. G.K. was a committed Christian and Shaw was equally evangelistic with his atheism. The crowd that night laughed at Chesterton’s words – Shaw was all of those negatives – cold, hard and thin! He had spent the previous hour making that clear to the crowd.
That debate took place in London during World War I – over a century ago. Those three words capture the political extremes in the U.S. today. It’s no longer the lunatic fringe on either end of the spectrum that has a problem. The news on any network, outlet or website makes it clear there are more lunatics on the loose now than ever.
“Friendly, open-hearted people make the best evangelists.”
Ever noticed that? The world around us is dying for open-hearted, friendly people. That’s truer now than ever in our lifetimes.
Choose with me to walk in power and promise of Rom. 2:4 where Paul explains the tool God uses to alter people.
“The kindness of God leads to…a radical life change.” (NASB & MSG).
Let’s vote in the power of the kindness of God, regardless of candidates or issues.
The best is yet to come!