Earning the Right to Be Heard

forest creek

A few years ago in Conspiracy of Kindness, I made the statement, “We must earn the right to be heard.” I’ve heard that line a few times since then but I wonder if people understand what I meant.

Here’s my take: We serve those around us diligently, persistently over the long haul with no expectation of a return on our efforts. We let go of a mentality that says, “I give so you’d better sit down, listen up and listen good, buddy.”

Instead of depending on our ability to pull off verbal gymnastics, we relax, we serve and we unleash the Holy Spirit upon them to do what only the “Hound of Heaven” can do – to draw them to Himself.

As we continue to serve in diligence and in the kind of love only God can provide, it’s just a matter of time until there will be plenty of conversing – plenty of opportunities to talk. But then that conversing will come in response to the work of the Spirit.

What He does will last.
What He does will bear fruit.
What He does will open doors!

Steve has spoken, mentored and modeled to churches and leaders around the world with the simple message that anyone – regardless of their gifting or experience – can be involved in bringing God’s loving kindness to others. His first book, Conspiracy of Kindness has been translated into several languages with more in the works. His first book has sold over 300,000 copies. Altogether his books have sold over 500,000 copies.


  1. I think the very first thing I was taught when I became a Young Life area director more than 25 years ago was, “We must earn the right to be heard.” It is the premise of that organization and can be found on their history page as it is the ‘unique twist’ Jim Rayburn introduced to evangelism about 70 years ago. Still as relevant and radical now in a world with lots of noise and lonely people. Thanks for the reminder.

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