God Is Up To Changes All Over

open road

Ever get to a fork in the road? Yogi Berra exhorts us to take it in times like that.

We can hopefully all relate to the notion of coming to a fork in the road in the best sense of the possibilities that God is opening up for us.

I know more people who are in some sense of flux right now than I can remember in recent memory. Maybe change comes to us in clumps. Perhaps God works on a broad scale as a Scatterer of seeds of change. It seems clear that God does mount changes with groups in similar ways all at once.  Our part is to roll with the punches as it all starts to flow. We get to practice patient endurance as chance commences.

So how is your change happening these days? How do you rate it? If those around you are going through the thick change you might be next though we don’t need to anticipate any negativity.

Steve has spoken, mentored and modeled to churches and leaders around the world with the simple message that anyone – regardless of their gifting or experience – can be involved in bringing God’s loving kindness to others. His first book, Conspiracy of Kindness has been translated into several languages with more in the works. His first book has sold over 300,000 copies. Altogether his books have sold over 500,000 copies.


  1. Changes, yes. We know what you are saying! After planting and pastoring Roskilde Vineyard for seven years with my husband the senior leader unable to get even one day off his secular job a week, we ran out of steam. Instead of running away screaming we asked God if He had someone who could take over and the name of “Mr. Right” popped into our heads. May 1 the new couple took over senior leadership (and the half time salary that the church had paid me over the last couple of years). They are doing a great job and we are realizing just how tired we had gotten. But God has been faithful even when we ran out of steam, the church is growing again and we still get to be part of the leadership team in a more laid-back fashion rather than just “roll over and die”. We now run a B & B which is really picking up business (the difference between pastoring and hosting a B&B is that doing the latter you only have to wash peoples’ dirty laundy once)….
    Our exhaustion has kept us off the streets for a while, which is not so smart, since hitting the streets what was boosted our energy in the beginning. But on Saturday we are going out again, and I am reading “the Perfectly Imperfect Church” again, thankful that you wrote that very practical book many moons ago. And that you came and showed us how to live it. We figure, after a couple of years of “recovery” we will move to another town and plant again if the Lord lays a place on our hearts, – after all, Denmark only has two Vineyards so far. And we learned so much planting Vineyard number two that it would be wasteful to “waste our sorrows” by not planting again…
    Blessings and thanks to you two for what you imparted to us along the way…

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