Walking in Jesus’ Sandals: A Down-to-Earth Guide to Discipleship

Discipleship Jesus Way

Remember those “What Would Jesus Do?” bracelets from the ’90s? Well, it turns out they were onto something! Being a disciple of Jesus isn’t just about sporting trendy accessories or memorizing Bible verses (though that’s not a bad start). It’s about lacing up your sandals and walking the walk – quite literally!

When Jesus called out to His first disciples, He didn’t say, “Hey guys, want to join my theology book club?” Nope. He said, “Come, follow me, and I’ll make you fishers of men.” Talk about a career change! Jesus was all about hands-on learning, and He’s inviting us to the same adventure.

So, what does it really mean to be a disciple in today’s world? Let’s break it down, shall we?


1. It’s Not About the Grades, It’s About the Growth

I’ll let you in on a little secret: I used to think being a good Christian meant acing a spiritual SAT. I devoured books, attended every possible seminar, and filled my brain with enough theology to impress a seminary professor. But you know what? I felt about as close to Jesus as a fish feels to a bicycle.

It wasn’t until I found myself planting a church – with a family to feed and barely two nickels to rub together – that I started to get it. Discipleship isn’t about how much you know; it’s about what you do with what you know. It’s less like cramming for an exam and more like learning to ride a bike. You’re gonna wobble, you might fall, but eventually, you’ll be cruising!


2. Do the Jesus Thing

Want to know the fastest way to become like Jesus? Do what He did! I know, groundbreaking stuff, right? But seriously, it’s that simple and that challenging. When we start serving others, caring for the needy, and loving the unlovable, something magical happens. We start to see the world through Jesus’ eyes.

Now, don’t expect an overnight transformation. This isn’t some spiritual makeover show. It’s more like growing a garden. You plant the seeds, water them faithfully, and one day – surprise! – you’ve got tomatoes. Or in this case, a heart that beats more like Jesus’.


3. Slow and Steady Wins the Race

In our instant-everything world, we expect God to work like a microwave. Pop in a prayer, wait 30 seconds, and ding! Instant saint! But God’s more of a slowcooker kind of chef. He’s always at work, simmering away, infusing our lives with His flavor.

As we commit to doing life Jesus-style, we might not see dramatic changes right away. But slowly, steadily, we’ll find ourselves craving prayer like it’s our favorite latte. We’ll be diving into Scripture like it’s the latest binge-worthy series. And serving others? It’ll become as natural as breathing.


4. It’s the Little Things

Remember in Matthew 25 when Jesus talks about feeding the hungry and welcoming strangers? He wasn’t setting up a competitive do-gooder league. He was showing us that discipleship happens in the everyday moments.

It’s bringing soup to your sick neighbor. It’s welcoming the new kid at school. It’s listening to a friend who’s going through a tough time.

These small acts of kindness? They’re like spiritual push-ups, strengthening our “Jesus muscles” day by day.


5. We’re All in This Together

Here’s the beautiful thing about discipleship: it’s a team sport! We’re not meant to go it alone. The early church got this. They didn’t just meet for an hour on Sundays and call it good. They shared meals, shared lives, and shared the journey of becoming more like Jesus.

In our hyper-individualistic world, this might feel a bit… well, weird. But there’s something powerful about having people who will cheer you on, pick you up when you stumble, and occasionally give you a loving kick in the pants when you need it.


6. Bringing Heaven to Earth, One Person at a Time

Being a disciple isn’t about escaping this world; it’s about bringing a bit of heaven into it. It’s about living in such a way that people look at us and think, “Huh, there’s something different about them. And I want in on it!”

We’re not talking about perfection here. (Thank goodness, right?) We’re talking about progress. About continuing to follow Jesus, even when it’s tough, even when we’re confused, even when the road seems impossibly long.


7. The Adventure of a Lifetime

Here’s the thing: being a disciple of Jesus is the adventure of a lifetime. It’s about allowing His life to seep into every nook and cranny of our existence. It’s about becoming the kind of person who brings light into dark places, hope into hopeless situations, and love into a world that desperately needs it.

So, are you ready to lace up those sandals and hit the dusty road with Jesus? It won’t always be easy. You might get blisters. You might take a wrong turn now and then. But I promise you this: it’ll be the most exciting, fulfilling, and transformative journey you’ll ever take.

Remember, it’s not about being perfect. It’s about being present – present with God, present with others, present in the moments that matter. It’s about taking small steps every day to become more like the One we follow.

So, what do you say? Ready to be a disciple who lives, acts, and talks like Jesus? Ready to bring a little bit of heaven to earth? The adventure awaits, my friend. Let’s walk this road together, one step at a time.

After all, that’s what Jesus would do. And He’s inviting us to do it with Him.