Words + Deeds = Amazing Momentum!

rushing river rapids

Words of love need to be connected with deeds of love. Human nature being what it causes us to gravitate to serving others when we reach out in Servant Evangelism but then clamming up before we explain WHY we are serving. Unless we verbalize the essentials of the Gospel of Christ we miss out on a large part of the dynamic God has given to us. Of course, we can’t clearly explain the message of Christ to all we run into as we serve. We are connecting with a lot of people as we serve our community on a large scale. We depend on God for his favor to open doors before us. We need to anticipate God opening doors before us–the doors of people’s hearts.

Realize these encouraging truths as you walk forward:

1. God will allow your momentum to gradually gather.

It is unlikely that you will be tossed into the deep end of the swimming pool and be expected to swim. He wants you to succeed! Look for initial, beginning risks. These will come in the form of invitations.

2. You will experience small gains along the way toward larger successes.

Confidence will pick up as God is active in your life. Be faithful to obey the next thing God calls you to and momentum will build.

3. Loving actions you share will condition people’s hearts to what you say.

You may not be a master communicator. That’s not a problem. Your secret weapon isn’t found in your amazing speaking skill anyway. Your power is the opening God provides by the power of the Holy Spirit as you serve in practical mercy. He will condition people’s hearts to respond as they are served. “The kindness of God leads you to repentance” Rom. 2:4 is an amazing truth to hold onto.

As we show God’s kindness something supernatural takes place–people desire to change. They begin to have inspired thoughts about changing their ways–their thoughts turn to contemplate repentance. Only God can change a person’s heart like that. Only he can alter a heart in that way. The impetus of that is the kindness of God–as stirred up by God’s people showing practical love to others. It’s dynamic. It’s powerful. It’s eternal.

Steve has spoken, mentored and modeled to churches and leaders around the world with the simple message that anyone – regardless of their gifting or experience – can be involved in bringing God’s loving kindness to others. His first book, Conspiracy of Kindness has been translated into several languages with more in the works. His first book has sold over 300,000 copies. Altogether his books have sold over 500,000 copies.