Lesson #11: You Will Hear Clearly From God


#11: You Will Hear Clearly From God

After death comes your way previous barriers to hearing from above will be eradicated. There are losses that happen at a time of death. You won’t stop hearing from God. Quite the opposite. As loss happens you your ability to tune into Him will increase remarkably. You will discover that most of what has stood in the way is simply surface noise. A near-death will bring you to a place of desperation. You will come to a place of dependence upon Him. You need to hear from God or you can’t move forward another step. That is a great place to find yourself. God is able to speak to you there in remarkable clarity.

If by chance you haven’t had a death experience there are still ways to increase your spiritual hearing:

1. Tell God You Want to Hear…

Make yourself available. A.W. Tozer once said, “God speaks to the man who cares.”

2. Simplify Your Equation…

One of our great barriers to connecting is complexity. We form notions with our minds (and in our doctrines) that tell us we must get to a certain point before we are mature enough or informed enough for God to speak to us. Scripture doesn’t support that perspective. Think of Samuel. As a child, God spoke to him instead of Chief Priest who was the designated one who was to get revelation in the Temple system. God likes to upset systems on a regular basis. He isn’t all that concerned with them, even those He originally set up!

3. Decide to Obey…

It is irrational, hurtful and rude to think that obeying God is unsafe. Obedience is reasonable always. Always! This is one of the most misunderstood truths in the Christian life. Even as this is being read, many (most?) think it is a dangerous thing to get carried away obeying God’s voice. He is not going to ask you to do something outlandish as most of us count outlandishness. You may not fully comprehend all you feel led to do at first. That’s okay. Obey anyway. God began to lead me to seek forgiveness from a number of people after my death experience. I became more sensitive to interpersonal matters. I didn’t necessarily feel a strong sense of conviction with this, but I was sure this was what He wanted me to do. I went forward out of obedience. Your role is to walk forward and obey Him.

He is always about directing objects that are in motion. It is difficult for Him to bring guidance to things that are stationary.

Lesson #12

Steve has spoken, mentored and modeled to churches and leaders around the world with the simple message that anyone – regardless of their gifting or experience – can be involved in bringing God’s loving kindness to others. His first book, Conspiracy of Kindness has been translated into several languages with more in the works. His first book has sold over 300,000 copies. Altogether his books have sold over 500,000 copies.


  1. Once again- good stuff Maynard! I especially like point #3 as I think that is a major holdback for the church of God advancing His Kingdom come- simply, they don’t trust Him or are afraid He is going to require too much of them and mess up their life.

    If only we knew to the marrow of our bone how He brings life to our lives and He has completely good plans for us – if only we’d want them more than we want our control.

    Regarding hearing God’s voice, a great starting place to lead you into it with a Biblical foundation is “The Art of Listening Prayer” by Seth Barnes.

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