At the end of the year some time ago I gave a message on a few year-end reflections I had cloaked around “My Biggest Mistakes of the Year.” To my surprise more listened to that message than any in the previous year. The following year I did the same with fresh, new mistakes. Again, there was an enthusiastic response. I continue to make this a year-end message, but I am now doing an enhanced version online for some of my sites – thus what you are now reading.
On the surface of things, it may seem a little dark to ponder one’s mistakes, but I don’t see it that way, and neither does God. In the Bible, God consistently chooses people who were prone to make mistakes yet went on to be stellar examples of lives strongly lived.
Peter and Mistakes
Peter, for one, was a mistake maker who went on to great things. His mistakes didn’t impair him from greatness. He took risks that often led to failure but always left a deposit of faith in him. He was able to walk on water when the others were afraid to step out of the security of the boat. He failed after a step or two, but he received an amazing installation of faith just the same.
What you read here are my confessions from this past year. Each of them is an area where I blew it but then made a mid-course correction along the way.
Wow! Great lessons. Thank you for taking the time to share them. May we all grow in wisdom and understanding and in His love/compassion- and if we listen to what you just shared, we will!
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