Mother’s Day – Show Mom Your Love on Her Day

MOM tattoo

Next Sunday will be the busiest restaurant day of the year. Who doesn’t want to honor Mom on her special day?

Over the years  I’ve found some other approaches that show her honor. Maybe one of these will make her day even more special:

Call her. There’s never a bad time to call your mom.

Ask, then listen. Maybe she can share her days growing up. What has your life so far? That question alone will engage her so deeply chances you have no idea how powerful this can be.

Gift. Is gift giving her primary love language? What’s something you could give that would show her significant thanks? If you can’t figure out a manufactured gift, sometimes homemade things are the most meaningful. How about a haiku poem – just three lines with five syllables in line one. Line two with seven, then line three with five syllables. It doesn’t need to be

Text & email. I agree, texting and emailing can be trite, or so impersonal that you treat others like nonentities. Yet a text or email can be a powerful encouragement. My mom keeps her messages then reads and rereads them on her phone later. They are easier to carry at hand than a piece of paper.

Write. Your letter might come in the mail. It might be a note that appears after you are gone, say on Monday when she opens the fridge there’s a PostIt with a big “Thanks for being the best mom a person could ask for! Love!” It’s a guarantee that she will save that one for a while.

Pray. Ask her for her number one big prayer need. In what area of life does she need God to “show up” – to bring His presence and relief…? Ask for specifics. When. Where. Provision needed. The vision of what you sense God wants to do.

Share an experience! My son Jack took Janie out to bowl. Neither of them can bowl worth a darn, but each of them had a blast and a great memory. You could also bike, hike, walk, do a movie and food and talk afterward.

Steve has spoken, mentored and modeled to churches and leaders around the world with the simple message that anyone – regardless of their gifting or experience – can be involved in bringing God’s loving kindness to others. His first book, Conspiracy of Kindness has been translated into several languages with more in the works. His first book has sold over 300,000 copies. Altogether his books have sold over 500,000 copies.