Outreach is Work and Play

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Outreach is at times both work and play. On occasion, we need to rally our energies, roll up our sleeves and do whatever it takes to just go for it, but too much of the hyperdrive approach can melt us down.

We need to remember that ministry is the most enjoyable, the most energizing activity possible in this life. I like to say, Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is fun. That saying may not be in the Bible but it sure is biblical.

Let’s lighten up. Let’s dedicate ourselves to having fun in what God has called us to.



Steve has spoken, mentored and modeled to churches and leaders around the world with the simple message that anyone – regardless of their gifting or experience – can be involved in bringing God’s loving kindness to others. His first book, Conspiracy of Kindness has been translated into several languages with more in the works. His first book has sold over 300,000 copies. Altogether his books have sold over 500,000 copies.