Reject Rejection


Reject Rejection

There are voices and echoes. Not many are true voices, rather they parrot the thinking and perspective of others around them. If you are one of those who thinks great thoughts, your work will be rejected. That is a guarantee. The question is, what do you do post rejection?

  1. Ponder this – that what happened was not a rejection of you. They just didn’t like that idea. But that’s okay because you have plenty more ideas. God is the source of inspiration, which means literally to be “filled with God.” Call out for more ideas and they will come.
  2. Understand that you didn’t tell a story that resonated, that your homework, your details, your promise — something didn’t resonate. Figure out what it was, and learn to nail it next time around.
  3. Assume that whoever turns you down, ignores you or disagrees with you has some legitimacy. It’s foolish to reject a difficult word just because it is difficult to hear.
Steve has spoken, mentored and modeled to churches and leaders around the world with the simple message that anyone – regardless of their gifting or experience – can be involved in bringing God’s loving kindness to others. His first book, Conspiracy of Kindness has been translated into several languages with more in the works. His first book has sold over 300,000 copies. Altogether his books have sold over 500,000 copies.