Walking In The Spirit… Facing the “Problem” of Islam (part 2)


Is the Church under attack from outside forces right now, as in the “Islamic problem,” as many Church leaders are referring to it?

Clearly, the answer is yes.
Clearly, the answer is no.

The big yes goes down like this – we are seeing the world turn increasingly international.  People are increasingly irrational.  People are increasingly giving into what amounts to outside influence.
Last thing – people – outsiders – are increasingly unimpressed by what we have perceived worked in years gone by – verbal arguments.  In reality, verbal assaults have never worked in converting souls to Christ.  If you consider a head conversion a true life change, then hooray.  I wonder how many will miss the kingdom by 18 inches – the distance between a head full of knowledge and a heart that has been changed by God’s very presence.

A Change of Heart

Heart conversions are caused by the conviction of sin.  That conviction takes place as a unique story in each case if you take the time to listen to people tell the way they found their way into the kingdom.  Of course, the scriptures always play a part, but there was at some point the involvement of someone who took the time to do the deeds of Jesus – to scatter the seeds of the love of God into someone’s heart.  Make that the simple deeds of Jesus.  Once the kingdom is shown to others (proven not by words, according to Peter) they naturally ask what makes us tick.  Then, again to quote Peter, “Be ready to give an account of the hope that lies within you…”  Hope – what hope?  Our unique “Jesus story” – the reason we live differently than those around us.

This “attack” – how will it be stemmed?

It will be turned around – and the Church will emerge in an amazing way – not in a cocky, Rocky-like victory dance, as we brag about how we conquered the infidels.  It will look very much like Jesus.  We will love, come what may.  God will love with his love through us…

Walk by love…

Steve has spoken, mentored and modeled to churches and leaders around the world with the simple message that anyone – regardless of their gifting or experience – can be involved in bringing God’s loving kindness to others. His first book, Conspiracy of Kindness has been translated into several languages with more in the works. His first book has sold over 300,000 copies. Altogether his books have sold over 500,000 copies.