Why I Mourn Jerry Sandusky

Jerry Sandusky

By now we’ve all heard the salacious details that were brought out in the Jerry Sandusky trial for sex abuse. He was found guilty on 43 counts with a likely sentence of over 60 years. Formal sentencing to take place in a few weeks. At age 63 he’s seen his last day of freedom.

Reports tell that there were great joy and cheering coming from the crowds that were camped out in front of the courthouse. I read a number of quotes from the crowd making it clear these folks were out for blood. One guy said that hanging was too good for this former coach. There was a general sense of outrage in the community beyond those directly involved. No quote came from a victim or a victim’s family.

So where am I going with all of this you might ask. In no way do I think that we ought to go light on a monster like this guy. He has caused irreparable damage to dozens of child-men who will perhaps never be the same after what they endured at his hands. But there is an even greater tragedy here that no one has picked up on yet. Almost certainly an even greater monster sexually abused Jerry Sandusky.

Generations of Victims

It is well-known, based on generations of patterns lived out before us, and more recent extensive research in our lifetimes, that this sort of abuse doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Abusers were abused. Those who molest nearly always were infected by the horrendous, demonic pattern of someone who attacked them earlier. Count on it, Jerry Sandusky started out as a victim. Clearly, absolutely, Sandusky is 110% responsible for his monstrous ways. In no way was he forced to do what he did. He could have and should have sought therapy for his brokenness along the way. He chooses to give in to his inclinations. This is a no-brainer case.

Yet having stated that there remains the fact that someone ultimately knocked over a big domino decades ago that in turn knocked over Jerry Sandusky’s domino and he, in turn, has knocked over dozens of innocent dominos. Victims attack victims attack victims. To quote Sonny and Cher, “And the beat goes on.” It’s satanic through and through – perhaps the greatest example of the way the Enemy of our souls does his worst, most destructive work.

This is a time to mourn Jerry Sandusky and all the dominos that have fallen in both directions. What’s called for is a life-changing encounter with the Holy Spirit. Therapy, yes, but in the end, only a face-to-face transformation will set anyone free.

God have mercy on us all.

Steve has spoken, mentored and modeled to churches and leaders around the world with the simple message that anyone – regardless of their gifting or experience – can be involved in bringing God’s loving kindness to others. His first book, Conspiracy of Kindness has been translated into several languages with more in the works. His first book has sold over 300,000 copies. Altogether his books have sold over 500,000 copies.


  1. Both David & I agree: very well-said and dripping with wisdom.

  2. Your question is acurate. I was molested when I was 7 years old. I cannot remember the mans face, but found out years later that he was one of my father’s co-workers. He and his son came to our home for a visit. I grew up in Angeles National Forest and we did not have a lot of visitor’s. He invited our whole family to his home for dinner, which never happens to us, so we all went. All of my siblings and I climbed into my parents station wagon ready to go, except he came up to my father & offered to take me into his car so that I could sit in the front instead of the “way back” -we are a family of 7 and I am the youngest. All of my siblings and parents remembered this day, many years later when i confronted all of them about what happened to. His home was 30 minutes of driving from our home and he mulested me the entire way. Here is the sick part. He was driving and his oldest son was sitting on my right, I sat between both of them. He was teaching his son what to do the whole way. Over these past many long years I have wondered how many other kids he molested and how many has his son? I am sure something happened to him or he was taught by his father?? Generation curses are hard to get rid of, until you move out of the way and let God do HIS THING….

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