
Words of Love That Follow Deeds Of Love

One of my ongoing frustrations in Servant Evangelism has come in seeing people verbalize the Good News. The tendency of human nature is to...

Mistake #3. Outreach without simultaneously listening to the Holy Spirit.

If we hope to succeed in outreach it is essential that we walk in a spirit of prayer. We need an acute awareness of...

Mistake #5. Trying to control the results.

All evangelism works… if you just keep at it. This is particularly true for Servant Evangelism. God’s Spirit flows through us out to those we...

17 Ways Your Small Group Can Connect With Your Community

1. Notice Brokenness Around You. Most of the time we ignore the pain and suffering that goes on around us. It is painful to...

#4 Way to Connect to Community–Serve Over and Over and…

One of the keys to making a difference in your community is repetition. Granted, it may seem uncreative to repeat projects, even tedious, but...

#12. Decide That Your Group Will Go Out To Serve On...

Spontaneity is wonderful. Jesus was spontaneous in his approach to reaching people. There is plenty of evidence in Acts that God also values planned...
crossing the street

#13. Focus On Serving Projects That Reflect The Personality Of Your...

“We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works” Eph. 2:10, NKJV. We all have distinct personalities. If you are the parent of...
on the streetcorner

#16. Prayer Walk in Order to Get God’s Heart for Your...

What is prayer walking? As my friend Steve Hawthorne (author of the book of this title) defines Prayer Walking as “Seeking God for the...
wrap it up gals

#17.5 Smile, a LOT!

Some of those you seek to serve will be fearful of your offer of kindness. After all, they have never had someone offer to...
wrap it up group

#2. Don’t Replace the Word “Evangelism.”

Many have felt the need to play with the “E” word thinking it is offensive or out of date. The words we use to...

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