city people crosswalk

Are You In A Tribe?

Have you heard the term, Tribe? A tribe is a group of enthusiastic people who are excited about going in a common direction. Martin...
outward focused

Results of Hamburger Give Away

All I can say is “Wow!” A great time was had by all. Some Technical Aspects: We had a few dozen involved in a combination of...
Free food outreach

Hamburger Give Away

Doing something a bit different today. Going out to serve part of the city by giving away grilled hamburgers and hot dogs to people....
sea and sky

Low Risk.

I mean minimizing what can go haywire. A lot of what I tried to do early on in the Christian life was a high-risk ministry....
bicycle boardwalk

Few Touch Many.

It doesn’t take a large crew to make leave a big footprint. Victory in God’s kingdom has always gone to the underdogs. God nearly...
bullet door


Have you ever been dogged by someone that was excited about their faith? I was in the New York City area a while back...
planting flowers

Sometimes Small Numbers Work Best

Many times I have gone outreaching with just a small cadre of folks. Sometimes that has been a homegroup. At other times I have...

It Doesn’t Take a Lot of People to Make an Impact.

A small group can make a mighty impact. I have seen time and again how God can take our willingness, our availability, and invest...
car wash

It’s Inexpensive.

It doesn’t take much of an investment to reach out. Something pretty amazing can happen with a small investment. In fact, some of my...
bright burst skyscraper

SE Will Catalyze Your People

Typical evangelism approaches segregate Believers into categories – the gifted and the ungifted – those who feel called and those who don’t sense God...

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