Reaching Millennials (2 of 5)
2. Outward Focus on Loving the City
Millennials are not just open to being outward toward the world around them; they are also open to...
Reaching Millennials (1 of 5)
There is no magic to reaching the Millennial generation. On the other hand, if we hope to get them, we simply need to do...
Reaching Millennials (4 of 5)
4. Lead and Challenge New Behaviors
This generation isn’t just willing to be challenged – they nearly demand it. A significant part of their mentality...
Reaching Millennials (5 of 5)
5. Show a Willingness to Change
We will never be ready to embrace change. When we force the change, we will stir up resentment and...
Risk – Our Way of Life
Risk is our friend. Little happens that is worthwhile that doesn’t involve taking a significant chance - one that might end in failure.
How often...
Vision Primer
We’ve heard it hundreds of times - Without a vision, we perish... On the other hand, sometimes the problem isn’t an utter lack of...
God Is Up To Changes All Over
Ever get to a fork in the road? Yogi Berra exhorts us to take it in times like that.
We can hopefully all relate to...
Reaching Millennials (3 of 5)
3. Build an Accepting Community
Pastors who lead congregations that feel “Stuck” – no sense of momentum, resistance to any new idea or direction.
In conversations...
Lesson #5: Resolution Is Essential
#5: Resolution Is Essential
When you experience death, you WILL have people to forgive.
I wrote recently about some “Job friends” related to my death experience....
The Ideal Sized Congregation? Try 500!
Great churches come in a variety of sizes, very large ones, medium-sized ones, and smaller ones.
It is a mistake to read the above...