The Difference Between a Good Idea and a God Idea
Good Idea
Stressed out
Comes as a result of brainstorming and hard work
Comes from many efforts
Feel accomplished in the end
God Idea
Often spontaneous
Emphasis on Jesus’ vine-branch relationship...
20 Quotes to Encourage Church Planters
I’m pretty picky when it comes to quotes. I think you will find the following list filled with memorable sayings that will come in...
Kindness in the News
Belle and Abby: Kindness in Middle School for All
Belle holds open one door, Abby the other, and they go to work.
"Morning Jack! How's football...
Simplifying God’s Voice
Do you feel inadequate in the area of connecting with God's voice? When you hear others mention they have gotten specific guidance from God...
Go Out Anyway
Just Show Up!
When it comes to doing outreach projects with teams a lot can go right... and wrong. After doing team-oriented outreaches for decades...
How to Release Love at Your Church
As you make loving others the priority of your church’s life all other goals that are important and biblical, tend to fall into place...
Doing Outreach or Reaching Out?
When we do outreach by serving - servant evangelism (kindness outreach) - to give away bottles of water at a stoplight or clean toilets...
Explore God/Chicago 2019
Explore God Chicago 2019 is a Community Outreach Initiative led by a committee of local pastors and business and...
Lesson #13: Saying Yes Brings Life
#13: Saying Yes Brings Life
Life is difficult after going through a time of death.
One of the fastest ways to make forward progress is to...
Ideas or People – Which Are You Excited About?
“It’s an awesome thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.” I tasted a little bit of that in my near-death experience...