
Mega Church Pastoral Myth #6: “God is more profoundly present at...

A similar myth follows: "Worship is better in the large church setting." Probable Reality: Music is usually better at megachurches, but music quality does...
skyscraper wall

Succeed by Persevering

So much is riding on our capacity to simply stick with the plan—to continue to love our city into a relationship with Christ. Success...
microscope view

The Scandal of “Either – Or” Thinking

An Ode To Extremes One of my “favorite” TV Bible teachers (I won’t mention his name, but he often says, “Now listen to me…”. He...

#8. Don’t Wait For Special Guidance To Start.

Some of the most spectacularly gifted people in the Church world are those who have never had a strong or specific sense of calling...

It’s Not Too Late to Turn Outward…

What can you do to bring change to a church that didn’t begin in an outward direction? Here are a couple of practical first...
tree tunnel

Open Conversations or Closed Ones

You are doing outreach. You approach with bottles of water. You walk up to folks and stutteringly mutter, "Um Ma'am, would you like a...
rushing river rapids

Words + Deeds = Amazing Momentum!

Words of love need to be connected with deeds of love. Human nature being what it causes us to gravitate to serving others when...
The Little Engine That Could

I can. I will. I did.

One of the classic children’s books of all time came out nearly 100 years ago - The Little Engine Who Could. It lays out...
the foggy road

Overcoming The Desire To Quit

It is common that as we get involved in changing the world that every once in a while we want to throw in the...
stop sign

Stop Sensing You Are in Charge of Something

You are not responsible for making something happen. You don’t know what will happen as you obey God in the realm of evangelism. It’s...

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