MOM tattoo

Mother’s Day – Show Mom Your Love on Her Day

Next Sunday will be the busiest restaurant day of the year. Who doesn't want to honor Mom on her special day? Over the years  I've...
Read all about it!

Why are These Actors No Longer Cast in Movies?

Have you been on the hunt for info online and then, found it or not, a popup article catches your eye? The one I...

Breaking Free From Selfishness

When you scratch the surface appearance of things, selfishness is at the root of insecurity, fear, and doubt. A selfish person is usually insecure...
Hiker at sunset

Mistakes I’m Glad My Kids Made

Parents tend to stress themselves out in hopes of raising children that are going to “do right” at all times. I know that was...
kinetic energy

God’s Kinetic Presence

God's Kinetic Presence I was taught in a ninth-grade physics class that power exists in two states - it can be either kinetic or potential....
Johnny Appleseed

6 Outreach Leadership Lessons From Johnny Appleseed

John Chapman, aka the legendary “Johnny Appleseed”, was a missionary who reached out to Native Americans in the Ohio Valley in the early 1800s. He...

The Verb for the Year – “Persevere!”

The verb for the year - “Persevere!” If you happened to see the New Year’s Rose Parade you couldn't help but notice that the...

My Favorite Mistakes of 2018!

My Favorite Mistakes - 2018 Edition I like to do a little summary at the end of each year to mark my hits and...

Reject Rejection

Reject Rejection There are voices and echoes. Not many are true voices, rather they parrot the thinking and perspective of others around them. If...

It’s a Thanksgiving Life

Build a Memory of Thanksgiving Kindness When you think of the words, “kindness” and “Thanksgiving” an image of food might come to mind. Maybe your...

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