What’s Your Calling?
A unique calling from God is upon your life.
It’s easy to think that only special people - those set apart - who are special...
Something Worth Losing
It stands to reason that the younger we are – with the greatest number of years ahead of us and thus the most to...
Vision Primer
We’ve heard it hundreds of times - Without a vision, we perish... On the other hand, sometimes the problem isn’t an utter lack of...
You Are an Idea Receiver
There are many more great ideas yet to be discovered than all of us together have stumbled across. As I tally it, there are...
Do the Work
It’s all about doing the work, not talking about the work.
Leaders aren’t leaders until they lead.
Writers aren’t writers until they write.
Worship leaders are so...
“Evangelism” or “Missional”
I am officially skeptical of the term “missional” at this point in the game. I have heard and read a pile of material on...
The State of… Evangelism (According to the Evangelists)
Everybody's Talking 'Bout A Revolution
Sometimes a strong word can be overused and thus neutered. As an American, I am especially aware of this tendency...